ppc ADVERTISING | sem | seo | web usability

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising has become a huge market. Years ago you could get top ranking in the sponsered results for a few cents. Now the market is (often) full with (aggressive) competitors paying often $1+ per click to get traffic to their web site.

Can PPC advertising work for you?

PPC advertising can be usefull to get traffic to your web site when you get started. Due to effective search engine optimization you might not need this anymore in the next few months. When using Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing be sure you understand how it works and start with very low ppc rates and after reviewing this several times in the next week or so consider increasing the bids when neccesary. Indepent PPC advertising consultants (Nozzie) can explain you a lot within 2/3 hours.

Do's: start slow, evaluate, be very specific with ads and hire a consultant for a few hours to do it right. Have a web site which can convert visitors into paying customers
Don'ts: pay high ppc rates for very general keywords and get very broad audience whom might be not even intereste din the web site.

PPC advertising advantages:

  • Can within 24 hours generate significant more traffic = more sales, as the ads show up almost instantly
  • Ability to create very specific ad and choose it to come up only for specific search phrases in specific geographic areas

PPC advertising disadvantages:

  • As a significant of competitors ahve no idea wjat they are doing, the cost per click is often high, or even unrealistic for competitive searches
  • Google Adwords and Yahoo search marketing try to keep it a bit fuzzy what you exactly and what you will get for that, which results in high cost for not very relevant clicks for significant amount of advertisers
  • 20%+ of clicks might be coming form competitors, people you do not want click from, and other nonsense
  • Effectiveness can change in days as competitors might increase their ppc rate which could make your referals drop with huge amounts

Need a PPC advertising consultant or Internet Marketing consultant?




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Web Site Design for a Small Business
Get a no-nonsense web site online within weeks. Potential visitors can find you in search engines and comapny info and contact in

Start-up Ecommere Web Design
I will tell you straight to the point or your new ideas for launching a ecommerce web site will make sense, what the cost will be to maintain and how realistic it is the web site will be profitable for the long term.

SEO - Search Engine Optimization
Having a professional looking web site does not mean all potential clients will find the web site in search engines. Most web designers will just create a web site without implementing effective web usability and SEO.

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